Beards for Bandanas 2021

Beards for Bandanas 2021

Bandanas For The Brave is back eventually after the hardest two years ever - so now we have a fun event, which everyone can be involved, importantly our campaigns is always to raise awareness for the mental and physical effects and devastation children and young people go through daily when they face hair loss (maybe even more than once) throughout their cancer treatments, and how helping with this campaign can change the life of a child, who is struggling with losing their identity.

Our Campaign is call Beards for Bandanas, and its your chance to become involved and raise funds for Bandanas For The Brave.

For most men these days their Beard is special to them,  it’s part of their Identity!! BUT Have you ever took the time to think of a child or young person with Cancer, and how they may be feeling, when dealing with HAIR-LOSS and losing their identity, well now you can… shaving it all off….. 

We haven't got any sponsors this year to shave off your beards for you because of COVID-19  but it will be more FUN if you have someone else do that for you... maybe the kids want to get their own back at you for something, but we would love for this campaign to turn into a family event at Halloween, then send in your videos etc and picture so we can all see the before and after faces.

Go on do it for these amazingly brave warriors ……. All you need to do is drop us an email at and either ask for a sponsorship form or join our online fundraising Campaign via Justgiving follow the link below.  (suggested minimum sponsorship is £30)

start your own fundraising page using the link below


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  • A wonderful group of volunteers, their only motivation is to make a child with cancer smile. Jimmy Norman
  • Thank you for Dylan's bandana. He loves it. Amazing selfless work that you do. You're amazing x Alison Crothers
  • Thank u so much 4 travies bandana! He absolutely luvs it & so do i, I had brought lots of hats/caps 2 keep his little head warm & never even thought of bandana until I found ur page, a brilliant idea of gift 4 kiddies going through such hard times Kelly Marron
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